NewsAnchors Report


Pasco County resident fighting to protect sandhill cranes

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Last year, ABC Action News reported on a woman who worked with the county to get wildlife crossing signs up around southern Hillsborough. She was concerned about the sandhill cranes.

Since that story aired, people have reached out to her because they want to do the same thing in other counties. ABC Action News had a conversation with one of those people and, after listening to her concerns, took her mission to Pasco County leaders.

“The sandhill cranes forage on low grass right by the road and as they cross the road, they have been getting hit by cars,” said Lexie Vanderweit.

Vanderweit has a passion for protecting sandhill cranes.

“Where in particular are you noticing this?” asked St. Germain.

“Here on Trinity Boulevard, Starkey Boulevard .. Mitchell Boulevard,” said Vanderweit.

“Have you personally picked up any dead or injured sandhill cranes?” asked St. Germain.

“Yes, frequently,” said Vanderweit. “If they are crossing the road with their babies and their babies are flightless, they will not fly away if a car comes. They are bound to the ground until their babies start flying.”

ABC Action News went back to where we met Vanderweit on Trinity Boulevard another day and saw exactly what she was concerned about—sandhill cranes trying to cross the busy road. Fortunately, all of these drivers stopped, and the two sandhill cranes made it safely across.

“We had previously done the story with Suzy Buchanan about how she was able to get wildlife crossing signs in Hillsborough County. She told me you reached out to her. Why did you reach out to her?” asked St. Germain.

“She was successful in getting some signs, and I wanted to find out how we could get some signs up here,” said Vanderweit.

ABC Action News took her concerns to Pasco County – specifically the Traffic Operations division.

“This particular viewer was concerned about Trinity, Starkey, and Mitchell. Are you concerned about these areas as well?” asked St Germain.

“I think we had a couple of requests on Starkey. We remember putting some. But, if there is more need, we are happy to look into it and install more signs,” said Venkat Vattikuti, Manager of Traffic Operations in Pasco County.

Vattikuti said the best thing for residents to do is fill out this traffic form.

“The cranes don’t know where the sign is, but at least the people who are driving on the roadway do. Hope they will slow down and watch out for them,” said Vattikuti.

He said within the last few weeks, they created a custom sandhill crane crossing sign as an option as well. Crews will install the first one soon on Collier Parkway after a resident request and county approval.

Vanderweit originally said she believed more specific signs would help drivers be more aware, just like the one ABC Action News learned is now available through the county.

“Definitely, definitely. With the birds on the signs and just saying ‘sandhill crane area’ to bring awareness is what we need,” said Vanderweit.

ABC Action News forwarded the appropriate website and form to Vanderweit and she sent in the information for her specific areas of concern. If you have a traffic concern in Pasco County, click here.

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