PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. — As temperatures drop in the Tampa Bay Area, cold night shelters are opening.
There are seven available in Pinellas County, but right now, shelter employees are seeing more people than usual.
"Everyone is human and everyone needs a helping hand," said David Hassett who works at WestCare Turning Point.
WestCare Turning Point helps people who are homeless or struggling with addiction and he's getting ready for a new group of people who need assistance.
"Those who are at cold night shelters typically don't envision coming or think about it until they really need it," said Hassett.
Westcare Turning Point is being used this week as a cold night shelter as temperatures drop into the low 40s.
"For people to come here and not have to worry about being cold, being safe, being taken care of, being given something to eat," said Steve Blank, Vice President of WestCare Gulf Coast Region.
Blank said he was more than happy to open up the shelter's doors to those who need it.
"It's heartbreaking to think about people's family members, loved ones, children, fathers, mothers, being out there," said Blank.
Hassett prepared the building for people seeking shelter from the cold.
"Typically they are grateful because they've been standing out in the cold all day," said Hassett.
Employees said they are usually able to accept twelve people during the cold night shelters, but they've increased that number to keep up with the need.
Hassett said the cold night shelters have been fuller lately because many people are still displaced from last year's hurricanes.
"I know individuals that are getting displaced because they were on hotel vouchers and their vouchers have run out, so until their vouchers are renewed or new vouchers come out, they are being displaced," said Hassett.
Both Hassett and Blank hope people take advantage of the cold night shelters this week.
"You don't have to make split-second decisions when you're cold. You can regroup," said Hassett.
"Really just giving an opportunity for folks to have some place to go," said Blank.
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