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MAD Theatre asks audiences to bring their own instruments to "Rock of Ages" show

Rock of Ages bring your own instrument
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TAMPA, Fla. — It’s not too often that audiences are asked to bring their own musical instrument to a show, but that’s exactly what MAD Theatre is doing with "Rock of Ages."

They are entertaining while at the same time raising awareness for a fellow local non-profit, Recycled Tunes, which puts musical instruments into the hands of students in need.

“We collect instruments from the community, we fix them up, and pass them onto schools,” said Tad Denham with Recycled Tunes.

Music teacher Julia Ford knows first-hand how life-changing it can be to receive a musical instrument at a young age.

“We have students, elementary through high school, that absolutely love being in music, band, orchestra, any kind of music, but some of those families can’t afford the instruments and accessories that go with them,” said Ford.

MAD Theatre and Recycled Tunes are asking audience members to bring gently used instruments they are no longer playing with them to the show to be donated to Recycled Tunes.

“And I see it in my students' faces at school too, when I get a donated instrument, and I give it to them, and I say, ‘This is something you get to use, and you get to practice." Their eyes light up, and man, the world opens up for them,” said Ford.

The cast and crew say they couldn’t think of a better show to promote this type of fundraiser.

“The most fun 80’s rock music ever. You can’t listen to one of these songs and not have a smile on your face and not clap your hands along,” said Jessica Vitalo, with MAD Theatre.

Actress Sydney Beck said, who knows, maybe these instruments will even propel a few students to end up on stage with her in the near future.

“I’m hoping there are some kids who get their instruments, and they find out this is what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It’s truly a wonderful thing to realize,” said Beck.

Rock of Ages is currently running at the Shimberg Theater through February 2 at The Straz.


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