NewsHillsborough County


Webinars to help those inching towards retirement age

Average retirement savings by age and why you need more
and last updated

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — A new Forbes report shows that less than half of today's workforce is confident they will ever be able to retire.

Forbes also found that 67% of people approaching age 60 have no retirement plan. We are looking into free resources to help you save for retirement.

We spoke to Lisa Leslie, a certified financial planner, and a UF/IFAS Hillsborough County Extension agent.

She said her best advice is to start saving young, as this will give your money time to grow. If your employer offers a match, take advantage of it.

If you are a few years out from retirement, Leslie said it is time to start thinking about your debts and spending habits.

She also said you want to have your money in the right place, where some is safe and where some can continue to grow.

Leslie is hosting free webinars this summer to answer your questions and help navigate the process. Click here to sign up.

School bus cameras have caught thousands of drivers in Florida blowing past stop signs. I-Team Investigator Katie LaGrone found that one county is preventing drivers from making their cases in court.

School bus camera program fining drivers has no process to challenge violations