As the insurance crisis continues to ravage the state of Florida, many residents have asked for resources they can use to find information and more about the industry.
We have compiled, and will update, a list of resources from state agencies, insurance companies, and more. The list can be seen below.
- Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
- Florida Chief Financial Officer
- Florida's Insurance Consumer Advocate
- Citizen's Property Insurance
- Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Consumer Resources
- Department of Financial Services Disaster Information and Resources
- My Safe Florida Home Program
- Contact Citizens First
- Depopulation Process
- New Flood Insurance Requirements
- Current Policy Count
- Citizens Assessment and Calculator
- Citizens Discounts
Third-party insurance company reviews:
Objective customer reviews:
Financial ratings:
- Residential Market Share Reports: OIR publishes market share reports quarterly, which contain information about policies in force, premiums, and claims.
- QUASR: The QUASR database will allow you to run reports for policies in force by quarter, by county, policy type, and company for companies writing in Florida. Please note that data for companies filing Trade Secret will not appear within the database or the top 25 reports linked. The list of companies filing Trade Secret is available on the OIR website, including the date for which they began filing as trade secrets.
- Insurer Stability Unit Report: OIR publishes the Insurer Stability Report on January 1 and July 31. The report contains information about the stability of property and casualty insurers and offers information about average insurance premiums by county.
- Previous Insurer Stability Reports
- NAIC Complaint & Financial Information by Company: The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) offers a consumer database which allows individuals to look up company complaints and financial information by state and insurance type.
- Insurer Compliance Report: OIR is required to publish a quarterly insurer compliance report. This report details all market regulation actions OIR took for the previous quarter.
- A full list of Insurer Compliance Reports
School bus cameras have caught thousands of drivers in Florida blowing past stop signs. I-Team Investigator Katie LaGrone found that one county is preventing drivers from making their cases in court.
School bus camera program fining drivers has no process to challenge violations