TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. — Landmark Nursery has been in the same spot on Eastlake Road for about 40 years.
“My cousin purchased the property back then as a worm farm,” said Stephen DuQuesany.
The DuQuesany family that owns it said nothing like this has ever happened before.
“I was distraught. You feel like your personal space. Why would somebody? What reason,” Stephen said.
There is damage all over the property.
“It looks like a mixture of just smashing and throwing,” said general manager Sabrina Kelly.
There are broken pots and pottery and smashed windows on the Bobcats and trucks.
“We found plants thrown down on top of each other,” said Kelly.
And spray paint everywhere.
On trees, plants, rocks, and even the cactus.
“We all take pride in what we do here. And we all care about the plants, and we all care about our purpose here,” said Kelly.
The owners say the vandalism happened early Thanksgiving morning.
They know that because some of the destruction was caught on a security camera.
“You see them spray painting. And it looks like they might have alcohol in their hands. Kind of stumbling around,” said Kelly.
The crew here has been working to restore Landmark to its pristine condition. They’ve even had offers from customers to help with the cleanup.
The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office said the investigation is still open and active.
If the vandals are caught, the owners have an idea of a suitable punishment.
“You know they can bag soil for eight hours. Money is one thing, but these kids need to learn a lesson. They need to learn you can’t go to hurt other people’s property. You’ll affect the property. Money is one thing. But it affects our pride and the whole community,” said DuQuesany.