

National prescription drug take back day

Getting rid of unwanted, expired, unused drugs
and last updated

We all have them. Old prescription pills laying around in the medicine cabinet collecting dust. Saturday October 28th is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.

Wayne Eubank has been waiting a while to rid his home of expired, unwanted and unused drugs.

"It's probably been in the garage four years."

He's kept watch over the growing drug abuse crisis.

"You've got issues with kids, drugs and alcohol," said Eubank, "We don't need anymore."

This month, the White House also taking steps against the opioid epidemic by declaring it a public health emergency.

"Well the worst case scenario you take it and throw it in the trash and a kid gets a hold of that," said Clearwater PD's community liaison, James Frederick.

He says having painkillers lying around, especially, can pose a risk for addiction or accidental poisoning and the numbers prove it. In fact, according to a 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: "A majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. "

That's not the only reason to turn in the pills.

"I used to live in the Pacific Northwest where there was a whole big different attitude out there about protecting the environment than there is out here" said Eubank.

That's why he won't flush any of them down the toilet. Meanwhile, Isabel Guitierrez with non-profit The Good Samaritan Clinic depends on this program. Today, she turned in 100 pounds of expired donated medication.That's about 8-months worth.

Every pill turned over contributing to the nearly 700 pounds collected at just the Westfield Countryside Mall. If you can’t make it to the drop-off sites today most police headquarters allow you to turn in your medicine during business hours, just call ahead for details.