TAMPA, Fla. — Scottish artist Warren Elsmore has perhaps the coolest job on the planet.
He's a professional Lego builder whose detailed creations go far beyond what many of us make in our family rooms.
His brilliant work can now be viewed inside "Brick Dinos," a Jurassic-sized new exhibit at Tampa's MOSI. In it, millions (or is it billions?) of Lego take the shape of prehistoric beasts that roar when you get close.
"Brick Dinos," which includes hands-on activities for kids, is included with museum admission. Adult tickets are $14, and kids' tickets are $10.
For more on MOSI and "Brick Dinos," go here.
School bus cameras have caught thousands of drivers in Florida blowing past stop signs. I-Team Investigator Katie LaGrone found that one county is preventing drivers from making their cases in court.