

Univ. of Tampa student self-isolating after recent return from study abroad program in Italy

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TAMPA, Fla. -- From traveling the world to traveling across her bedroom, a Tampa student is under self-quarantine in her Maryland home after returning from Italy.

For University of Tampa student Lia Janeiro, studying abroad in Italy was a dream come true.

But it was cut short, turning into something of a nightmare.

"I never thought it was going to be growing so quickly or get to be this bad to the point that I would be sent home," said Janeiro.

Janeiro says all UT students studying abroad in Italy were sent home. She says the program was canceled because of fears about the coronavirus.

Janeiro says it was alarming to learn about the Hillsborough County woman who tested positive.

"It’s definitely weird knowing she’s my age and was also in Italy recently makes it more realistic for me," said Janeiro.

Janeiro says while going through customs on her return from Italy, she wasn’t asked any questions about her health.

In fact, she says it was her study abroad program that suggested she self-isolate for 14 days.

Even though she’s feeling fine and has not been tested for the virus, she decided to do it.

"Considering I have two sisters who go to high school, I don’t want the risk of getting them sick and then them bringing it to school," said Janeiro.

USF also announced this week it’s canceling all study abroad programs for spring break, citing CDC international travel guidelines about the “evolving global coronavirus outbreak.”