

Long Hot Summer for Florida Politicians trying to Raise Money

Florida GOP sees drop off in 2nd Quarter of 2017

It is turning out to be a long hot summer for Florida politicians trying to raise campaign cash as they target some of the highest offices in the state.

Feeling the heat this summer is the Republican party of Florida, raising only $338 thousand in the second quarter of 2017. That's compared to the Florida Democratic Party, which pulled in more than five times that amount in the same period: $1.6 million.

Disney has shelled out $130 thousand to the Florida GOP. And the happiest place on earth is keeping both parties happy by giving money to the democrats too. Just not as much: $43 thousand.

Under pressure for the under performance of the GOP is Blaise Ingoglia. The former producer of online videos that railed against government spending is now the chairman of the Republican Party of Florida and that means he's in charge of fundraising.

Now other party leaders are playing money ball. Clearwater Republican Senator Jack Latvala, tweeted:

"I'm stepping up. $25k this quarter. $25k next quarter. Challenge others to match."

But not every republican is begging for cash.

State agriculture commissioner Adam Putnam, who's running for governor is rolling in the deep, raising nearly $2 million in the two months since May. While his Democrat opponent Gwen Graham, pulled in just a third of Putnam's money grab. Just: $661 thousand.  

And that doesn't count their obscure political action committees, which rake in the big bucks. Putnam's pack is sitting on $13 million. Graham just $2 million. And by the way, election day is just 16 months away.