Two sisters-in-law walked through the rubble of what used to be their home. 30 years of memories burned to ashes on Thanksgiving Eve.
“I felt, what is there to be thankful for right now? I just lost everything," said Kayla Bannon.
Instead of a turkey on Thanksgiving, they ate cold hot dogs and mac and cheese. The insurance company told them it would take six months to see any money from the suspected brush fire damage.
“There’s no light at the end of this tunnel right now because we don’t know where we are going," said Bannon. "We don’t know how we’re getting there.”
The Red Cross paid for hotels. That money ran out on Sunday. Since then, this family has been paying out of pocket but don’t have much more left.
“That’s so scary. One week. You have one week, there’s nothing we can do about it either," she said.
One of the hardest hit by this disaster is Kayla's four year-old-son, Evan, who has autism. With his routine disrupted, he often has crying fits.
“We just want a home, we want a place to call home," said Ashley Untiveros.
For that reason, they’ve set up a GoFundMe asking the community for help.
“This hurts me to beg for money. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do when disaster strikes," said Untiveros.
Now, they are hoping for a Christmas miracle, especially for their youngest member.
“We asked him what does he want for Christmas, and he said a Christmas tree,'" Untiveros sobbed out.