
Teenager crashes car while doing Bird Box challenge, police say

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LAYTON, Utah — A driver in Utah didn't listen to the warning sent out by Netflix about the viral Bird Box challenge, and the results aren't surprising.

Viewers performing the Bird Box Challenge on social media are attempting to prove the difficulty of some of the movie's blindfolded acts,by doing things such as riding scooters, finding their way outside of structures or trying to go up escalators.

Netflix tweets 'Bird Box Challenge' warning: Do not hurt yourselves

But one driver in Utah took it a step further and participated in the challenge while driving. Komo News reports that the driver was a 17-year-old girl who pulled a beanie over her eyes before crashing into another car, a light pole and a sound wall.

"Bird Box Challenge while driving...predictable result. This happened on Monday as a result of the driver covering her eyes while driving on Layton Parkway. Luckily no injuries," the Layton City Police Department wrote on Facebook.