
Here are 4 tips to help improve your mental health amid pandemic

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Financial stress during the pandemic can bring even more anxiety and doubt about getting back on your feet. So a life coach recommends four ways to motivate yourself and stay healthy during this challenging time and a game that could up your chances of finding a job.

"You have to ask for help. You have to have the courage to ask for help," said Adam Jablin, a Life Coach, author and recovering addict.

Jablin says this pandemic has challenged our mental health and for many people, brought on extreme financial stress.

"People's minds are now addicted to worrying. So they're going to be freaking out over the next paycheck. The bills are going to come in. The American Express card, the Visa card, the mortgage payment, and they're going to start feeling like they're drowning," he explained.

So if you're feeling hopeless, Jablin recommends four things you should start doing right now that can help.

First? Start moving.

"Exercise. It's huge. You raise the endorphin level. You get the serotonin going. You feel better. The body feels better," he said.

Second? Talk to someone, anyone.

"I'm a big believer in sharing with another person because when you share it, you cut it in half. Now two people know what's going on. Sharing is huge," he explains.

Third? Write down what your feeling.

"Putting a pen to paper and journaling or just writing what is going on in life. It's an exercise that helps. It releases," he said.

And fourth, start a spiritual path, even if you don't have a strong faith.

"Pray. I don't care if you believe in God or not. It's not about your belief in God. It's that there's something more powerful. There's something going on and you're asking for help," he said.

He also recommends anyone looking for a job to play the "No Game," which starts with applying to any open position, even if you're not qualified.

"I want them to apply everywhere. Try to collect as many 'No's' as possible. Make it a game. Repetition, repetition, repetition because eventually, you're going to get a 'Yes.' And then you're going to get another 'Yes.' And then you're going to get another 'Yes.' And you'll have the choice," he explained.

And instead of worrying about the future, Jablin says try to stay in the present.

"Take it one day at a time. Take it one moment at a time. Take it one meal at a time. Take it one prayer at a time. Just be in the moment," he said.

If you're financially stressed and struggling to pay bills, Jablin recommends calling your credit card company and any bills over-due to see if you can get on a reduced payment plan.

The Crisis Center Of Tampa Bay can also help you on the financial front.

Either call 2-1-1 or go to their website at:

And for more information about Adam, click here: