

Fight continues over medical marijuana

Senate & House disagree on dispensaries

"It's a draining experience to have to travel across the country with a critically ill child,” said Moriah Barnhart, CEO ‘Cannamoms’.

But this Brandon mom does, one week out of every month, with her daughter, Dahlia.

"She's on her third experimental trial at St. Jude's,” she explained.

Chemotherapy is taking a toll on her 6 and a half year old who has been battling an aggressive brain tumor for years.

"In four years, these baby steps have not been enough to keep people from going to the black market for this product,” said Barnhart.

Which is why Moriah started ‘Cannamoms’ fighting for childrens’ right to medical marijuana in Florida.

So far, she says lawmakers have let her and others desperate for relief down.

"The legislature ought to push back on all those people who have an influence and get that done and we failed in that regard,” said Florida House of Representatives Speaker Richard Corcoran.

Corcoran, a Republican out of Land O' Lakes, says he's disappointed too after voters passed Amendment 2 ok-ing dispensaries but couldn't hammer out rules.

The house proposed a 100 retail outlet cap for operators while the Senate held firm at 10.

"I'm still hopeful that we can have a special session, you know that doesn't go over to the Department of Health, which is another one of my points, why should the people have to have a bureaucrat sitting behind a desk deciding the fate of this when they have an elected representative,” said Corcoran.

A budget special session is still on the table for this summer.

Barnhart says it’s a shame her daughter and others suffering may have to keep waiting. 

"These politicians have alterior motives. These politicians have their own agenda and for the most part these politicians are not in office to serve the will of the people," she said.