

Emilie Meza, 1, celebrates 100-day mark after bone marrow transplant from her father

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Emilie Meza, 18-months-old, is getting ready to celebrate a milestone. 

The little girl ABC Action News has been following for months is about to celebrate her 100th day after her bone marrow transplant. Her father, who is only a half-match, became her donor when not one of the 9,000 people who signed up in the donor registry were a match. Emilie needed the transplant after she was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia when she was 9 months old. 

RELATED | Emilie Meza, 1, gets bone marrow transplant from father who is only a half-match

Emilie Meza discharged after last chemotherapy treatment following bone marrow transplant

100-days is a milestone for bone marrow transplant patients. If a rejection is going to occur, it’s likely it will happen within 100-days. Emilie’s family says they are still working toward getting Emilie to 100-percent, but while they do that, they are asking the community for help.

After Emilie’s story went viral earlier this year, more than 9,000 people signed up for Be The Match in Emilie’s name. While none of those could be used for Emilie, they were able to help countless other people who do need bone marrow donors. So, Emilie’s family is hoping it will happen again! They are hoping they can get another 100 people to sign up to celebrate her 100th day.

For more information on Florida’s Be The Match, visit