

Cleanup continues in hardest hit Tornado areas


People whose homes and properties were destroyed by a tornado continue to cleanup.

Sunday, a tornado ripped through Sarasota County.

Officials said it destroyed about 60 properties, totaling more than roughly $10 million.

"I've never been in (a tornado). (I've) seen them on TV, but  never been in one. (I) didn't' know what to expect," Sid Fleming said.

Sid and Cathy Fleming do not know how much it will cost them to repair their damage. They said representatives from their insurance company will survey the damage on Tuesday.

"They just said, 'don't do anything 'til you talk to us'. They've been right on it. They would've been here today except it was a holiday," Cathy Fleming said.

The Flemings said friends and strangers have stopped by their neighborhood, which is along BayWind in Sarasota, to help. They said they were grateful for the support.

"We had Home Depot come over this morning and they brought buckets and these big construction bags and water and a lot of it for people to use out here. That was really nice," Sid Fleming said.