People all over the Tampa Bay area are taking time to pick up the mess left behind from the Fourth of July party-goers.
We saw residents on Holmes Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, and Tampa picking up next to the water.
Volunteers spend July 4th keeping Indian Rocks Beach litter free
Rebecca Hooper is an organizer with the group Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful.
“There are beer bottles and fireworks all over,” said Hooper.
She gathered at least 100 people to help pick up trash near the Courtney Campbell Causeway.
“That trash is going to wash directly into the bay. It’s an immediate impact on wildlife, animals choke,” said Hooper.
About 30 residents on Holmes Beach spent Thursday morning picking up trash. They said tourists were more respectful this year versus last year, but there was still plenty of trash.
“I think we are living in a time when people are more conscious about the sea turtles and environment,” said James Thomas from code enforcement.
Group members plan to do these cleanups after every holiday.