

St. Petersburg same sex couple receives love & support after anonymous hateful letter

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Nearly a week after the Presidential election, a St. Petersburg same-sex couple received an anonymous letter filled with hateful language because of their sexual orientation. 

The letter John Gascot received started off with, "Hey dumb(explicit), the election is over."

It went on to say, 

"Additionally; Republicans increased State Legislators to record numbers (67 of 98) nationwide, 32 now are Majorities. (Democrats 6)

Republicans increased Governors to 34 and will take control of both houses of US Congress for the next decade....and....

Trump is POTUS-elect. 

Congratulations - you lost on all counts.

Yet, you still advertise as if you are ignorant of developments but that's not surprising for the (community known) "gay house" on (street) where the rainbow flag to trolls for queers.

You encourage us how to vote but you can't figure out garbage day or when to turn off the porch light. Isn't it time to decorate for Christmas through February?

Dumb(explicit) !"

Since the letter was anonymously sent, Gascot has received outpouring support from his St. Petersburg neighborhood and community. 

Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Gascot invited his neighbors over for a social night to help strangers get to know each other. 

In all, around a dozen families stopped by.

"I said even if just two people show up, we only got one letter, so the positive outweighs the bad by far."

On Tuesday, Gascot and his husband received a package from California, inside was an antique Pride flag from San Francisco. 

Gascot, a local artist, plans to host a paint workshop to auction off a Pride flag in hopes that the donation will go to an non-profit equality organization in Florida.