NewsPinellas County


St. Pete Postcard Project wants your colorful artwork to help connect the Tampa Bay area community

Artist Sara Norine will even pay for postage
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ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — The old-school St. Pete Postcard Project, launched by local artist and teacher Sara Norine, wants you to mail in your colorful artwork to help connect the Tampa Bay area community during the pandemic.

The St. Pete Postcard Project wants your artwork, your poetry and your prose. It can be done all on a tiny card just like a happy Sunshine City tourist would send.

The artist behind the project will even pay for the postage so you can snail-mail it.

“I feel like I’m pen pals with the entire town!” laughs Sara Norine.

The local artist and teacher developed the St. Pete Postcard Project to help some of her students express themselves during the pandemic.

Instead of Zooming and being plugged in, she wanted them to go old-school.

“I was trying to find ways to slow down our communication,” says Norine. “Have it be more private, a gentler exchange.”

So, she tapped into the Mail Art Movement, stamp-able and send-able art.

“Some of these kids had never even used a stamp before,” she laughs.

After seeing her town so quiet and closed-off during the pandemic, she longed for bright creative expression and communication.

The St. Pete Postcard Project expanded to include everyone.

No matter your age or where you live, if you send a postcard to Norine, she’ll display your work, maybe even in the front window of the esteemed Morean Arts Center in St. Pete.

The best way to get started? Request a free St. Pete Postcard Project starter pack from Include your name and address.

You can also find more information on Instagram and Facebook.