LARGO, Fla. — There are some milestones that are truly monumental, like turning 100 or a 50th wedding anniversary. However, there is a woman in Largo who is celebrating a feat few of us ever even dream of.
This grandma’s 1999 Toyota Camry just reached 500,000 miles and she continues to drive it every day.
“I love it, it knows me and I know it,” said owner Edna Weber.
Whenever Weber pulls out of the driveway, she’s not just going for a ride, she’s hanging out with an old friend.
“I have so much confidence in this car,” said Weber. “I was looking for a good, durable car, something that was going to last.”
It drives just as smooth today, as it did back in 2002 when she bought it used for $14,000 in Franklin Tennessee.
From the horn to the air conditioner to the radio, you really can party like it's 1999.
“Everywhere we went we drove, if we went on vacation we drove,” said Weber.
Weber said when it comes to making a car last, it’s not much different than a marriage.
"It’s really paying attention to it, anytime something doesn’t sound right or feel right, I always take it down to the mechanic and explain what’s going on,” said Weber.
Even the most skilled mechanic will tell you seeing 500,000 on the speedometer, and counting, isn’t something you witness every day.
“We have 15 to 20 cars come into the shop a day and very very few have over 200,000 miles let alone over 500,000 like Edna’s car,” said mechanic Chuck Hoover, of Hoover & Sons.
Weber even calls it her baby girl, which doesn’t at all bother her real daughter.
“It doesn’t talk back,” joked Weber.
Neither Weber nor her car has any intention of slowing down. She hopes to be an inspiration to others, newer isn’t always better.