The Pasco County Sheriff's Office says that a deputy fired his weapon on Sunday after a dog attacked him.
Deputies responded to a neighbor disturbance near the 4100 block of Claremont Drive in Holiday around 6:30 p.m. Sunday night. The call stated that a pitbull was running loose in the area and that the dog was aggressive.
The caller mentioned the history of the dog being aggressive towards people.
Two deputies located the residence of the dog and made contact with a resident at the location.
During the investigation, deputies were outside when they initially began to discuss county ordinances and saw the dog again outside the fence on someone else's property.
Contact was made with the dog and deputies attempted to direct the dog back to the residence. During those failed attempts, the dog charged at one of the deputies.
The Pasco County Sheriff's office stated that the deputy discharged his firearm two times when the dog was attacking him. The dog was struck one time in the snout/mouth.
The dog was injured, however, the homeowners were unwilling to take the dog to the emergency vet. Animal Control was notified and responded to the scene. The animal was surrendered to Animal Control's custody. The dogs' owner was issued one citation for dog running at large. The deputy was not injured.