Christine Keller’s mind is running wild.
“We are living in fear right now,” she said.
She’s thinking the worst after discovering someone tried to break in to her home late Sunday night.
“I was a nervous wreck. I stayed up all night long with every light on in this house,” she said.
What has her so upset, is that of all the windows and doors in the house, someone picked the bedroom belonging to her daughter, 16-year-old Savia, who has down syndrome.
“It was scary. I was really really worried,” said Savia.
“My daughter couldn’t defend herself. Could you imagine if a predator or whoever this sick individual is was got into her home,” said Keller.
The Pasco Sheriff’s Office hasn’t found any other homes in the Magnolia Valley neighborhood.
And it’s the way this window was broken that is so strange.
It was a perfectly cut circle.
Investigators said it had to be made with a professional glass cutter.
Christine said it appears whoever did it was able to reach one security latch but couldn’t get the other one.
They never made it inside the home.
Investigators are collecting evidence including the cut window to try and get finger prints.
But so far, they have no leads.
Meanwhile, Savia is happy no one took her favorite doll, Michael.
“He’s only 6-years old. Tomorrow is his birthday,” she said.
And she’s busy finishing up her Christmas list.
She wants an iPhone 6 by the way.
“She would be traumatized if she really knew what happened. And we all are,” said Keller.
If you have any information, contact the Pasco Sheriff's tips line at 1-800-706-2488.