NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. — There are hundreds of headstones at Pine Hill Cemetery. Many of the headstones belong to veterans like Medal of Honor winner James Huff who fought in the American Indian wars.
That's what inspired Boy Scout troop 77 and Nicholas Clohessy to clean every single one of them.
“I feel that it entails really thinking about it. Not rushing. Taking your time,” he said.
For his Eagle Scout project, Clohessy wanted to do something to help veterans, so he went to Paradise American Legion Post 45 and together they came up with a plan.
“It’s incredible because you hear so much about how much the youth today just don’t care,” said Dennis LaFrenier, adjutant for Post 45.
So for two days, Clohessy and his fellow scouts washed and scrubbed. They worked until the names of those who served are clear once again.
“It’s awesome that they are getting clean. This is one of the best Eagle projects I’ve seen,” said Tropp 77 member Jacob Noel.
Clohessy is also raising money to get new flags and grave markers for every veteran.
“What I really wanted to do is get something that’s really going to last a long time,” said Clohessy.
Before they started cleaning, Clohessy talked to the others about what was behind this project and the respect they need to have for those buried there.
“I know a lot of the older boys, some of us are in ROTC, so I feel we have a better understanding. But even these younger ones, I think it’s a really good opportunity to give back to the veteran community,” said Clohessy.
“When you look back at the dates and you see how far back they go, those people felt once my life is over, my life is over. These young kids. Young adults are here to make sure people will never forget,” said LaFrenier.