

Sen. Nelson warns about cyber attacks against critical infrastructure

Teco says it has an Anti-Hacking Plan

From power plants to water utilities, critical infrastructure in America is vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Tony Martinez is the director of a new company in Tampa called Cybersequr.

"Attackers are sitting there harvesting data, " he says.

Martinez specializes in helping Bay Area businesses and beyond defend themselves against hackers.

"We want to make sure that organizations small, medium, and large are investing in cyber security," he says.

The US government and the private sector have some serious catching up to do.

The power industry has a big target on its back , hackers would love nothing more than to shut off the power creating all kinds of chaos, it's something TECO is trying to defend against.

"We rehearse and practice and drill on these scenarios and we also consult with other utilities as part of a network," says Cherie Jacbos , spokesperson for TECO

But to some extent the damage has already been done.

Wikileaks promising to share alleged CIA hacking secrets with tech companies after it dumped thousands of documents on the internet , exposing how the CIA allegedly used cell phones and smart tv's to spy on targets. All part of a growing secret war waged with hackers and computer code, instead of bullets and bombs.



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