HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — Neighbors near Seffner describe the intersection of Broadway and Williams as a nightmare. However, people living nearby told ABC Action News the congestion is only worsening. They suggested adding an hour to your commute because of traffic.
"Certain times of the day, morning, rush hour, it's hard getting in and out," said resident Earl Nelson. "If you're not out of here, say, by 6:00 to 6:30 in the morning, getting out, it's hectic. Coming back in the evenings, traffic picks up around 4:30, and it's hectic coming back in."
Just down the resident, Joshua Joshua Perez wants to see improvements to the same intersection.
"I feel like there should be at least a double lane," Perez explained, but it's not just congestion.
One viewer reached out to us and said because there's no turn signal, drivers at the intersection are aggressively maneuvering around cars that are waiting to turn, which is creating too many "close calls."

Along Williams, a roadside memorial reads 'Drive Safely' in memory of someone who lost their life.
Meanwhile, we watched as a family strolled along the street, trying to get back to a complete sidewalk. Neighbors said they're worried a new development near the intersection will only create more congestion.
"It's already jam-packed as it is. So, it's just going to make it worse," Perez explained.
I brought these concerns to the county and asked what's being done to ensure people living here feel safe.
They emailed me a statement that reads:
"The planned development is expected to be a low trip generator, and so it is not required to do any off-site improvements. However, Hillsborough County will take a look at this intersection to investigate whether it needs any safety improvements."
We'll continue to stay on top of this and check back in with the county once it's investigated the area to see if changes will be made.