Women veterans from all over the country are cycling to overcome their disabilities. It’s all part of the “Project Hero Women’s Initiative” happening in Crystal River this week.
It’s an 18-mile bike ride and a journey to overcome. The healing tool has two wheels, a hard seat, and teaches how to balance.
Disabled women veterans from all over the country are joining to ride and give each other support for physical injuries, PTSD and military sexual assault.
"When I was younger in the military I was sexually assaulted," said Ginger Mercer, an army veteran.
Ginger Mercer and Candise Morgan were both sexually assaulted while in the military.
"You felt like you had a big sign on your head like, do this to me," said Morgan.
The veterans with "Project Hero" say it helps to be around other women who understand.
"When you have PTSD or MST, military sexual trauma, you may look perfectly normal but you have all of this baggage on the inside that you’re trying to deal with and people don’t know that," said Morgan.
But through laughter, and being part of a group of military people again, these ladies are able to ride together on their journey to heal.
"No more anxiety medication and depression medication. I’m able to cope with it through exercise and such a strong support network here," said Mercer.
Project Hero says their goals are to creative positive outcomes for disabled veterans at lower costs and reduce drug-based therapies.