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Why pediatricians endorse IUDs, implants for teens


The American Academy of Pediatrics says its top choices for teen birth control are implants or intrauterine devices.

An implant goes under the skin of the arm. These devices are effective for years before replacements are needed.

The intrauterine device, or IUD, is implanted in the uterus, and it also lasts for years.

Both are birth control methods teens wouldn't have to worry about "remembering." 

Keep in mind we're talking about teens here. They're still children — both legally and to their parents, too. In most states, the legal age for an adult is 18. Each state also has varying "ages of consent" when teens are able to consent to sex. The age varies between 14 and 18.

So why is AAP recommending this for a group that technically includes children? Well, mainly because it says anything is better than pregnancy at a young age. 

To learn more about their recommendation, watch this Newsy video.