Election 2020 Candidate Profiles


Erik Challenger, Hillsborough Co. Soil & Water Conservation Supervisor District 2

and last updated

In an effort to help you make informed decisions during the General Election, ABC Action News has reached out to dozens of candidates running for office. The following statements have been submitted to ABC Action News by the candidate. Every candidate was given the same set of questions. These are their responses in his/her own words.

Name: Erik Challenger
Office: Hillsborough County Soil & Water Conservation Supervisor District 2


The experience I have is being a blue collared worker for 20 plus years, as a firefighter, international longshoreman and business owner. I understand and have firsthand working knowledge of environmental health and safety as well as leadership experience involving people and materials. I have degrees and certifications in health service management, fire science, EMT, Hazmat and
finance/management. More importantly I'm a people person and live life through unselfish living.

Why should voters vote for you?

Voters should vote for me because I am a set of fresh eyes with a new perspective, changing the status quo with the focus on education and funding for local agriculture. I am the Candidate who does not have a hidden agenda and I am not afraid of working outside the office and getting dirty with those in whom I represent. My passion is to serve without recognition, to protect and represent the best interests of the people and not in organizations/companies.

If elected, what are your top priorities?

  1. My top priority will be education
  2. Scholarship and funding, to have cost sharing with local farmers to issue incentive-based programs with Corporate donations and federal funding
  3. Accessibility to programs and give hands-on guidance to local associations

What are three key messages of your campaign?

  1. I hold myself accountable to the voters 100%
  2. Underserved and ignored communities should have equal access to the programs and funding available through the water and soil conservation district
  3. Water and soil is the natural resource we take for granted, it should be cherished as the air we breathe.

What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about?

Land Management, overdevelopment and protection of Florida’s precious an unstable ecosystem. Stewardship and pollution are very important to me as well.

What motivates you to run for public office?

What motivates me to run for public office is my lifelong duty and commitment to the service of others. As I stand for being accountable for everything I do, your (the tax payer) interests outweigh mine to do the right thing for the right reasons at all times……..it's just that simple!

What do you believe is the most urgent issue facing the environment and should be done about it?

The most urgent issue facing Florida’s environment is pollution. Not only pollution of our waterways, the pollution of our air, pollution of our soil, but the pollution of our minds. Believing that the earth will take care of itself, but the earth needs us and the earth needs us to make a conscious effort to recycle, replant and Stewart the land to think 10 years ahead instead of 10 days.