

Terrace Park residents concerned about safety, food access

Hillsborough Community Planners reaching out

New numbers show Terrace Park residents don't feel safe in their own neighborhood and often, that's compromising their access to basic needs like food and transportation.

Planners with the Hillsborough County Planning Commission, alongside the Florida Department of Health, went into the neighborhood asking questions about basic safety and transportation. 


  • 55% of respondents reported that they do not feel safe and comfortable walking in their neighborhood at night. Planners say there is a lack of streetlights in this area, which can promote crime and illegal activity. There are also actually No streetlights which planners say promotes crime and illegal activity.
  • 45% mentioned that it is not safe to visit their community center and 63% said that it can be dangerous going to their post office. Furthermore, 58% said that the medical clinic is not safely walkable from their home.
  • 36% of residents did not have enough food in their household during the past year. Planners are calling this number "significant".


Neighbors say sometimes it's so dark, it's hard to see what's right in front of them.

"It's real dark," said Trevor Gilchrist. "It's dangerous because the people who are driving -- they can't see the kids. They can't see where they're going."

They say when there's no light and broken sidewalks, it puts people walking and biking at risk.

"They can get hurt," said Rashad Thomas. "If they don't see where they're going, if they're on their phone, they can fall."

Health leaders and county planners say residents they spoke with talked about facing enormous barriers walking and riding their bikes.

"Being hit by a car," said  Allison Nguyen, of the Florida Department of Health. "Tripping because you're walking on uneven pavement. You're walking in the grass and there's holes and rocks."

Now, planners and health leaders like Nguyen want help to present their finding Terrace Park residents. They are hoping to help get more feedback about not only the lighting and sidewalk issues, but how to get more access to fresh food into the Terrace Park neighborhood.

There is a community meeting Tuesday, April 11th from 6pm-7:45 pm at the Copeland Community Center at 11001 N 15th St, Tampa, FL 33612, where planners will present the results they found out and get helpful feedback from residents about what solutions they see for the community.