

President Trump to revoke federal transgender bathroom guidelines

Advocates concerned about school bathroom changes

President Donald Trump plans to reverse federal guidelines encouraging school administrators to allow students to use their bathroom of choice.

White House Spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Wednesday the exact details were still being considered regarding the change in guidelines, but would allow states to determine their own bathroom policies for public schools.

RELATED: Official: Trump to revoke transgender bathroom guidance

School administrators around the Bay area have allowed for gender neutral bathrooms, however, many like Hillsborough Co. haven't changed their policies regarding the issue.

In fact, the district's policy still notes that people may only use the bathroom that fits the gender as noted on their birth certificate.

The new guidelines wouldn't change district's current policies, only allow administrators to opt out of allowing gender neutral bathrooms without having to fear losing federal funding. 

"I think the most shocking thing is it really sends a message to school age children that the president doesn't have their back," said Nathan Bruemmer, a board member for TransAction Florida and a former Hillsborough Co. school teacher, "and I think that's the primary concern."

Melissa Snively, a board member for Hillsborough Co. schools brought the issue up during a meeting in November, stating the current policy is a cause for confusion among school administrators.

However, members opted not to vote on a policy change at the moment.

Snively says she's now looking for guidance on whether she should readdress the issue.



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