

Bradenton farm looking for volunteers to work in exchange for free organic produce

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People now have the chance to volunteer their time and in exchange, receive free, organic produce to feed their families.

Geraldson Community Farm, located in Bradenton, is now looking for volunteers for their workshare program. They are hoping to find people who can commit to three or five hours each week to help seed, tend the fields, clean and act as hosts. In exchange, volunteers can take home free, locally-grown produce.

"Whether I weeded or I sowed the seeds or whatever I went to do, and then I put it on the table for my kids, I think that's amazing," said Elizabeth Hileman, a workshare volunteer and stay-at-home mom. "For me, it's great because I feel like I get to contribute something. Something I did. I literally brought something to the table."

Geraldson Community Farm offers two types of fieldwork possibilities. To receive a full share is a five-hour weekly commitment receiving a weekly CSA produce box. A half share is a three-hour weekly commitment receiving a bi-weekly CSA produce box.

Each box has about a $35 value in produce.

"It's a beautiful tradeoff," said Christa Leonard, operations manager at Geraldson Community Farm. "It allows us to have 25 extra hands, or 25 extra people, that want to learn something about the farm."

The farm workweek is Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. They ask that you commit to a day and time and are consistent with that same commitment each week until the end of season. 

"I would be lost without our volunteer help," Leonard said.

Get involved here.

Email Operations Manager Christa Leonard