The people who call Paddock Trail home say they've bugged the county for years via letters and phone calls. Tom Collins says he was told there was no money in the Public Works budget. Neighbors call the 4 and 5 inch gaps in the sidewalk a danger as well as an eye sore.
The county admits to a back log and budget issues resulting in a 2-3 year wait for some neighborhoods in need of a sidewalk fix.
Hillsborough public works responded to our sidewalk questions with this statement.
"....The County has reallocated resources to begin addressing outstanding service requests received from residents....."
Days after our inquiry heavy machinery and crews showed up on Paddock Trail to remediate the sidewalks.
The county provided the list scheduled sidewalk repairs scheduled over the next couple of months.
Glencliff - Repairs $ 48,451.99
Casey Road $ 22,595.00
Paddock Trail $ 37,901.00
5104 Pheasant Woods DR. $ 3,772.00
Pebble Beach Blvd $ 15,136.00
9825 White Barn Way $33,490.00
6009 W. Knox $ 16,266.70
Upper Creek Drive, Sun City Center $ 15,500.00
Public Works says it is now working on a list of repairs for 2018. If you have a similar issue you you can file a report with the county at