Before you shell out hundreds of your hard earned dollars check out how to get the most out of your old device.
If you have an iPhone 4 or newer take a look at Apple's own trade up program. Apple is offering $250 for an iPhone 6 plus.
You may make out better with sites like Glyde and Gazelle. Glyde estimates your 6s is worth $297.
You will likely find top dollar with Ebay and Craigslist. Payouts range from $300 to $500 . But with Ebay there's no guarantee the bidder will actually make good on the bid. And with Craigslist you never know who you might be dealing with. And prices will likely drop 10 to 15 percent once the iPhone 7 is actually out.
Before you sell remember to un-pair your old phone from a watch, back up your information to your computer or iCloud and return the phone back to its factory settings. With most smart phones it is easy to erase all your personal content and settings on the phone simply by following the prompts in settings.