"It looks like the house settled a little after the construction, and this one door keeps dragging."
Greg Gary’s home is like a museum, his renovations using salvaged materials are pretty impressive, but this is an annoying issue.
"When you close the door, it’s hitting right there," Gary said as his bathroom door slammed into the wooden frame.
The hinges on the door are loose, instead of finding longer screws, we have a better idea.
"Have you ever heard of the glue and toothpick trick," I asked him.
Of course I can’t take credit for this, that goes to my expert, handyman Paul Schramm.
"Toothpicks and school glue, that’s all you need," Paul said.
Believe it or not, glue can be the best thing to hold wood together, even Elmer's can create a strong bond.
Actually two hinges are loose, and if we take them off, the door is going to wobble and we can’t have that. So if you have a magazine or a wood shim, shove it under the door.
Remove the loose screws and get your toothpicks.
Take a pair of wire cutters and cut it, we want the flat part out.
Put the glue on the toothpick, and shove them into the screw hole.
Do that until you fill the hole with glue covered pieces.
For putting the screws in we do not recommend using a screwdriver, use a drill.
Start the drill in reverse, and when the screws settles in the center drive them in.
Unlike before, you'll now notice a very snug fit.
Then drive that baby in…and notice a very snug fit. Unlike before.
Items you’ll need: Wood shims, toothpicks, school glue (Elmer's), and a power drill
Have questions? Email James Tully: James.Tully@wfts.com
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