ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — New Horizon Dog Rescue in St. Pete is an organization that prides itself on saving unwanted, abandoned, and often abused dogs.
“Sometimes we are there the very last day, the very last moment before they are euthanized, and we give them another chance,” explained Sarah Anderson, a volunteer with the rescue.
Anderson beams when she talks about Markey; he was rescued from an abusive home and saved hours before getting euthanized.
Anderson said he has a sideways tongue that is going to charm anyone who happens to bring him home.

Then there's Blue Sky. She was rescued from a kill shelter in the panhandle and has probably spent the entirety of her life so far inside a cage. Anderson and the volunteers at New Horizon Dog Rescue plan to get her use to human touch and voice.
They are dedicated to putting in the work to get both of these dogs ready for their forever home because Anderson said they're all worth it.
“You know, every dog deserves a New Horizon. Every dog is worthy of love and care, and once you pour your heart into a dog or an organization, I think it gives back tenfold,” said Anderson.
Don’t forget to share your rescue dog or cat stories on the Tully’s Tails Facebook Page. We might even share it on Good Morning Tampa Bay.