TAMPA, Fla. — Several years ago Angel Lopez passed the Humane Society and talked himself out of getting a dog. But what happened next was likely the most important U-turn of his life.
“I drove down five miles and something kept tugging on me. I turned around and went back and the first dog the lady showed me was Zeus,” explained Lopez.

Lopez is an Army veteran, but he said he survived getting shot in the chest after leaving the military. A horrific act that he said scarred him for a long time, but that’s where Zeus comes in. This rescue dog healed his pain better than anything else.
“When I got the dog it helped to soothe me by having that creature there, that dog there. Giving me a sense of more security,” explained Lopez.
When Zeus passed away, Lopez started looking to adopt a new dog. When he finally found one and saw the dog's name was also Zeus he knew it was fate.

“The first person I told was my sister and she goes oh you named him Zeus too. I started laughing and I said no his name happens to be Zeus and that caught on. So I named him Zeus two,” explained Lopez.
Lopez said the moment he sees Zeus starts his day perfect.

Don’t forget to share your rescue dog or cat stories on the Tully’s Tails Facebook Page. We might even share it on Good Morning Tampa Bay.