Dozens of SeaWorld guests became trapped in tight quarters hundreds of feet in the air when a ride malfunctioned Monday.
The Sky Tower ride is a large cylinder with many windows that rises about 400 feet above the park to allow visitors to see the attractions from above.
But Monday, they became the spectacle. Some visitors even waved at the news helicopter through the ride's large glass windows.
Twitter users were quick to point out the irony.
Passengers trapped on a ride at SeaWorld in Orlando, but workers say they actually have a longer life expectancy while in captivity.
— pauly casillas (@PaulyPeligroso) December 21, 2015
Breaking news: Sea World is now trapping guests in tanks too
— ThingsFloridiansLike (@Things4FLppl) December 21, 2015
Killer Whales are wondering how people trapped on ride at Sea World are liking captivity #Blackfish
— Ron White (@Ron_White) December 21, 2015
Bizarre new ride allows people to feel the same captivity that orcas feel while held at #SeaWorld. #skytower
— Rodrick Weir (@RodrickWeir) December 21, 2015
CNN: Police investigations show evidence of vengeance seeking SeaWorld animal to be behind trapped guests.
— Carson Oakes (@CarsonOakes77) December 21, 2015
The tourists trapped on the sky tower at #Seaworld will now be forced to perform in five shows a day, never to be reunited with the ocean.
— Liz Magee (@JokesMagee) December 21, 2015
After well over an hour suspended in the air, maintenance workers were able to lower the ride and release the passengers.
SeaWorld has come under intense scrutiny and criticism for their practices involving captive animals. The documentary Blackfish highlights many of the park's current practices.
Earlier in 2015, SeaWorld vowed to end their orca show in San Diego by 2017.