

Gas in high demand for Floridians as Hurricane Irma nears

Experts say there is a resupply issue
and last updated

If you're looking to fill your tank, don't panic when you see gas stations with dry pump because experts say there is plenty of fuel in Florida for now.

"Just frankly, the trucks can't drive fast enough down there," James Miller with the Florida Retail Federation said

Millers says there isn't a supply issue, rather a resupply issue. The problem is people from across the state are all trying to get gas at the same time.

"And because you have such a run in every single county in the state, retailers are having to scramble and have a difficult time replenishing those areas because it's not just targeted in one region, it's statewide,"
Miller said.

However, the overall supply is healthy. Miller says as long as ports and roads aren't impacted, the supply of fuel will continue to flow. People will just have to find a gas station that has been replenished and perhaps wait in line.

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