A doctor with 38 years of experience is fighting for his life in the intensive care unit.
Dr. Vladimir Laroche tested positive for COVID-19 and now his brother says the only thing that may save his life is a plasma donation from a recovered coronavirus patient.
“My brother Vladimir is selfless. If he met you Michelle, he would go to the end of the world for you, not even knowing you, just cause you need him to,” said Paul Laroche as he spoke to WPTV Senior Reporter Michelle Quesada.
MORE: Latest news on the coronavirus
Paul Laroche says two weeks ago his brother was working at a COVID-19 testing center. Now, he’s on a ventilator in the intensive care unit at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.
“His last chance is to get a plasma infusion, but we have to go through so many red tapes,” said Paul Laroche about the process for patients to donate.
Doctors are working to find recovered COVID-19 patients that meet the criteria to donate plasma. It requires that the person have a documented diagnosis of COVID-19 or antibody test results, no symptoms for 14 days and a documented negative COVID-19 test or no symptoms for 28 days.
“There’s got to be a way to simplify it because right now we’ve been two days waiting for plasma,” said Paul Laroche.
Paul is working to get the word out to recovered coronavirus patients. Their plasma contains antibodies that can boost a sick patient’s immune system and may help them recover.
Last week, OneBlood announced that Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is the first person in Florida to become a COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor.
“The people who have actually recovered, to me, they are what I call superheroes,” added Paul.

Paul is hoping a superhero steps up to help save his brother who has worked with Doctors without Borders and volunteered to work in the front lines to help coronavirus patients.
“This is his last chance. This is his very last chance,” said Paul.
Paul has been sharing a flyer which lists doctors to call if you meet the criteria to donate COVID-19 convalescent plasma for Laroche.
Contact Dr. Serges Thys (561-776-8300), Dr. Jean Labissiere (561-739-9333) or Dr. Serges Alexandre (561-276-8444).
To fill out a form to donate plasma through OneBlood, click here .