

Camps your kids can attend while out of school for winter break in Hillsborough County

and last updated

TAMPA, Fla. — If you're looking for something your kids can do over winter break then you're in luck.

The City of Tampa is offering two weeks of school break camps for your kids to have fun, make friends and learn life skills in a safe environment.

The camps are free with an active Rec Card and take place the week of December 26, 2018 and January 2, 2019. That's one week after Christmas and another after New Years.

Registration is currently open but space is limited and will be filled on a  first-come, first-serve basis. To sign up your kids, click here.

The Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA is also offering winter break camp from December 26 to January 7, according to the organization's website.

If you're a YMCA member you can sign up your kids, for one day of camp or for the entire break, for $35 a day. For nonmembers, it is $60 a day.

"Our holiday day camp program includes games, crafts, swimming, a field trips and more for children ages 5 to 12."

For more information or to sign up your kids, click here.