Joe Kucej sits in a hotel conference room near Westshore on Saturday afternoon learning about the ins and outs of selling cannabis. He's taking part in a class put on by the group Cannabis Career Institute. The class is teaching interested Floridians on how to make money on medical marijuana if voters pass the measure.
"I'm not on the party end of this that most people think come with this, I'm more for the medical side of this," said Kucej.
He plans to open a dispensary in the Ocala area if medical marijuana is legalized. Kucej said he is interested in the subject, because his mother died from cancer two years ago. He believes marijuana could have helped her.
"I'm absolutely sure, I've seen people from other states that said my mom would be alive today," said Kucej.
Doug Porter is an instructor with Cannabis Career Institute. He said the people interested in the classes come from all walks of life.
"We're talking to them about what has been established thus far in Florida, what we can anticipate and what they need to do to plan to position themselves accordingly to monetize this," said Porter.
Florida voters will have the chance to vote on medical marijuana in November.