

Best and worst jobs of 2017 releases list of worst jobs of 2017
Posted, a job database site, has released their list of "Worst jobs for 2017" based on growth potential, income and stress level.

Newspaper reporter and pest control worker were in the top 5! So we talked to a couple of men doing those jobs right now and they have a different take on the findings.

Tampa Bay Times reporter Ben Montgomery definitely has the passion for journalism.

"This is a heck of a job," Montgomery said. "I get paid to ask questions and write down what people say and I can't imagine doing anything else."

But according to, he actually has the worst job this year!

There's a lot of volatility in the newspaper world right now. We saw it first hand in Tampa Bay last year with the Tampa Tribune closing.

"With whatever worry I have about the future, it will be overridden by knowing there is a demand for news and information," said Montgomery.

He said he does have a backup plan though, if anything were to change.

"I do books on the side and that's the reason I am here in Pittsburg. I am doing a little reporting for my next book.  So that I guess would be a plan B," said Montgomery.

TV news broadcaster, logger and military personnel coming in at two, three and four respectively for "worst jobs" according to the report.

Rounding out the top 5 is something we rely on year round in Tampa Bay, pest control!

"It's totally incorrect to say that it's a dead end street," said Tom Wisdo who has been working in the industry for more than 40 years. "That's one of the problems with this country. I think everyone is told they need to be a doctor or lawyer or engineer to succeed in life and that's just not true."

Wisdo says his industry isn't going anywhere and you don't need a college degree to make a good living.

"If you become a technician with me, you work for three years for me and then you can take your state boards and you can go start your own business," said Wisdo.

So what are the best industries to go into in the Tampa Bay area with open positions that don't require a four-year degree? suggests these:

1. Restaurants - All staff including Delivery Drivers, Customer Service Staff, Managers In Training
2. Call Centers - being in a call center haven, the call centers are always hiring Customer service reps, inside sales, operation managers, team leaders, trainers
3. Sales - Outside, Inside, and Retail - most of the time 1 year of professional experience in sales and/or customer service is enough for the company to take a chance on you because there are too many sales positions to fill right now!
4. Skilled Trades - there is a shortage of HVAC techs, Automotive Techs, Carpenters, Painters etc The millennial all have degrees - we've seen a huge decline in the number of students attending vocational schools to learn a trade as well as taking vocational programs out of high schools
(Automotive dealerships are struggling to hire candidates for both sales and service!)

Jobs open right now that do require a degree:
1. HEALTHCARE- CNA's especially!!! in addition to RN's, LPN's, Baylor
2. IT - all positions including software developer to network systems administrator
3. Sales