

Pet of the week: Bonnie is ready to be adopted

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Our pet of the week is a beautiful girl who recovered from an injury and is ready to rock.

Bonnie is a 2-year-old, 45 lb. hound dog.

She arrived at Pet Pal Animal Shelter with a fractured pelvis. After receiving lots of bed rest and love, she is now ready to put on her blue suede shoes and trot on out to her new home.

Bonnie needs a home with no small dogs but children are just fine. She has been spayed, vaccinated and microchipped.

For more information about Bonnie and other adoptable animals, call Pet Pal Animal Shelter at (727) 328-7738 or visit

Pet Pal Animal Shelter is located at 405 22nd Street South Street in St. Petersburg. You can visit all their dogs and cats up for adoption Tuesdays to Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 to 4:30 p.m.