PARRISH, Fla. —About 20 homeowners in the Cross Creek neighborhood in Parrish are fed up with a dispute over mail delivery.
“It’s a lovely community, there isn’t a reason you wouldn’t enjoy living here, except you don’t get your mail,” said resident Sylvia McDonough.
USPS has discretion on which new subdivisions receive individual mail delivery or get cluster boxes like you see in condo complexes. The Cross Creek neighborhood was chosen for cluster boxes, but neighbors said the builder, Medallion Homes, hasn’t installed the boxes.
Medallion Homes did not respond for comment on this story.
“They give you the run-around, they said they would install the boxes if the postal service paid for them,” said McDonough.
Doris Anderson also makes the nearly three mile drive to the Parrish Post Office. She said it is tough to get to the post office, because her husband has a medical condition.
"We have mail order medication which I have to help us, but now it feels like we have to go the pharmacy,” said Anderson.
Neighbors said they will continue fighting until they get mail delivery.
USPS issued the following statement:
Local postal officials will continue working with all stakeholders, including developers and builders, to ensure a satisfactory resolution to any ongoing delivery mode issues. Residents of Cross Creek community in Parrish, FL, may continue to pick up their mail at the local Post Office. Our mission is to provide trusted, affordable, universal service to our customers and centralized delivery allows us to do that.