HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — With hurricane season now here, Sam Prioreschi, the owner of Dr. Done Right Home Revitalization, is a big believer in impact-resistant windows.
“That right there alone makes a world of difference,” he said as he knocked on one inside his Plant City workshop Thursday. “I try telling people all the time, ‘Get impact windows. It’s worth having.’”
But, for all their big benefits, they can come with a big price tag.
“Going from a non-impact window to an impact window is almost triple the price, so it’s extremely expensive,” Prioreschi said.
A renewed program, however, will soon give thousands of more Floridians a big discount on impact not only doors, but also impact-resistant doors and reinforced roofs. Learn about other authorized improvements at this link.
The program is called My Safe Florida Home, and it provides $10,000 grants to eligible Floridians.
“If you can secure the grant, it’s a no-brainer to have this because you’re literally ready for everything,” said Prioreschi.
If eligible homeowners are approved for the grant, for every $1 they spend on a home hardening upgrade like impact-resistant windows, the state will chip in $2 toward the total cost, up to a maximum of $10,000 provided by the state.

Right now, only homes insured for $500,000 or less are eligible. They must be located in a “wind-borne debris” area, which are primarily located along the coast where hurricane-force winds are typically the strongest. The homeowner must provide proof of homestead exemption. The initial building permit for the home must have been issued prior to 2008. Additionally, grant applicants must agree to have their homes inspected as part of the process.
A bill Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Wednesday expanded the program’s eligibility. Starting July 1, homes insured for $700,000 or less are eligible. The program will also apply statewide.
The governor also approved $100 million in new funding for the program that should cover at least 10,000 additional grants.
The owners of Storm Pro Window and Door — Shawn and Celena Therrien — are encouraging their clients to take advantage of the savings, but with a limited number of grants available, they think time is of the essence.
“Fill out the application. Lock in with a contractor. Once you’re locked in, your money is reserved,” Celena said.
“It’s really incredible. I mean, once I heard about it, we had to get on board with it. I mean, it makes sense,” Shawn added. “Like I said, the average home, I mean, for somebody to protect their home, could be somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000. Now, they’re getting it done at half the price. I mean, that’s a huge saving.”
According to Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, whose office runs the program, My Safe Florida Home will also reduce insurance costs.
“I encourage Floridians to take advantage of the savings and protect their biggest investment from storms – their homes,” he wrote in a recent news release.
To learn more about the My Safe Florida Home program, visit its website at this link.