

How much time do kids spend on devices in class?

The American Academy of Pediatrics says kids spend an average of seven hours a day on technology.
That media technology includes television, tablets, and other sources of electronics. 
With more classes going all-digital, it makes it hard for parents to know how much time is truly spent on handheld devices.
At Tyrone Middle School in Pinellas County, the school has started a magnet program for a few dozen 6th graders. The students are able to use tablets for learning, testing and interacting. 
"These kids are what we call the digital natives. They were born with the technology. We already had cell phones and tablets," said technology teacher, Mrs. Tabitha Shorter. 
Over the past five years, the school has been able to add a dozen or more digital advances that include: iPods, iPads, Mac computers, Smart boards, smart clickers and more.
With technology in the classroom, comes extra precautions for teachers. The district also keeps an eye on how much time is spent.
"We are in constant communication with the assignments that are assigned to the kids through our student database system," said Robin Mobley, Principal at Tyrone Middle School.
Shorter said some of her students in her technology class can help troubleshoot problems on a computer, even fix computers.
The program will integrate more Microsoft Surfaces in the next school year, with a hope to be a complete tech savvy school in the near future.
Studies do still show that too much time on screens adds to sleep and eating disorders, as well as behavior problems.
Mobley said that's why kids still have the alternate classes like physical education, home economics and choir.