

Pinellas residents urged to firm up hurricane plans

County officials will discuss the topic July 23
and last updated

If you live in Pinellas County and have yet to finalize your 2016 hurricane plan, local officials say now is the time.

Emergency management officials will attend the Tampa Bay Home Show on July 22-24 at Tropicana Field to answer questions about hurricane preparedness, provide help to determine citizen's vulnerability to hurricanes and give tips on preparation.

They will also be on hand to register anyone who attends for Alert Pinellas, the free emergency notification service sponsored by Pinellas County.

Around 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 23, Emergency Director Sally Bishop will share hurricane information and tips to prepare yourself during a presentation.

The home show, sponsored by the Tampa Bay Times, has free admission and parking.

For more information on the show, go to

For more on hurricane preparedness, go to