"I mean how many people are going to zipline through the neighborhood seven days a week," said Laura Works.
For years, Darl Works and his wife Laura have found peace and tranquility right at Highland Lake Park.
"There's going to be a tower, we don't know how tall the towers going to be but its going to be in that general proximity," said Darl Works pointing across the park to the Highland Recreation Complex.
But tonight they're left wondering if it will ever be the same.
Largo Commissioners voting 5 to 2 to move forward with a proposed Tree Adventure and Zip Line course. An attraction expected to bring in 45 thousand new visitors every year.
More than 3 dozen people showed up at tonights meeting with one thing to say about it.
"We're here to say no to the zip line," said one outspoken resident.
"I'm against TreeUmph! coming in to the city park," said another.
The proposed zip line will be run by TreeUmph! which operates this similar attraction in Bradenton.
This map shows how the lines will run from the north east corner of the Highland recreation complex and over highland lake park.
"It's a family neighborhood and this doesn't belong there," said a resident who lives in the neighborhood running beside the proposed zip line.
Most worry about increased noise outside their doorsteps, visitors garbage left behind, and the risk of parking overflowing to neighborhood streets.
But some did see the bright side of the plan.
"It's more money for the businesses moving in, and it makes Largo a more attractive place to live," said Pat Edmond.
In the end commissioners agreed but most in attendance were still left with a bitter taste of defeat.
"They just decided it was going to be voted in and we really didn't have a real say so about it, I think its all about money," said Frank Sola.
Officials say they do plan to mitigate parking concerns. They say the now that the approval has been made the park could be open by the end of the year.