

Polk County 'Points of Distribution' now open to help victims of Hurricane Irma


Polk County points of distribution centers are up and running in the following locations to help those impacted by Hurricane Irma:

  • Davenport: Market Square Park, Market St. & 17/92
  • Dundee: Community Center 603 Lake Marie Drive
  • Eagle Lake: Sheriff’s Office 150 S. Second Street
  • Fort Meade: Fort Meade Park 1205 NE Ninth Street
  • Frost Proof: First Baptist Church 96 West B. Street
  • Haines City: Lake Eva Aquatic Center 220 Third Street South
  • Lakeland: Victory Church, 1401 Griffin Road
  • Mulberry: Civic Center, 901 NE Fifth Street
  • Poinciana: Community Center 395 S. Marigold
  • Polk City: 124 E Palmetto Lane

POD locations will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day until power is restored and stores are open again. Water, snacks and MRE meals will be distributed. 

RELATED: Hillsborough County opens 'Points of Distribution' to help victims of Hurricane Irma