If you're unemployed right now, you might realize you need some new skills to land a good job. One of the biggest challenges can often be learning the ins and outs of using computers and computer programs. Now, there's a new free program at Pasco County libraries that can help.
In a library, you're used to seeing books and computers. In the last few years, library computers have become more popular as job seekers apply for work online. The only problem is that some lack basic computer skills.
"That's one of the key reasons we partnered with Lynda.Com, to help bridge that gap so people can learn the skills, that in some cases, the recession left behind," said Bob Harrison, Pasco County Libraries communications specialist.
Lynda.com is a subscription service run by social networking site LinkedIn. The service has more than 4,000 online video classes from beginner to advanced. Courses include everything from basic word processing, to GED prep, web design and Photoshop. You can even click career paths and take a series of classes to earn a certificate in that field.
"What a sense of accomplishment to learn a new skill, get the job you're wanting or get that promotion. That's really gratifying," said Harrison.
The best part is that you can now access Lynda.com free at all Pasco County library locations. You can also use your library card to log in from home.
"I think there's something for everyone," said library patron Michael Legg.
Michael Legg is a professional photographer. He's been using Lynda on his own for two years, and is thrilled everyone in Pasco now has access. He loves that Lynda lets you make bookmarks and take notes as you learn and even pick your instructor.
"It always keeps me current with software. Every time a new upgrade comes out, it's hard to run down and buy a book on it. If you find the book, then spend a fortune and next thing you know, you have to buy another book," said Legg.
Now, the library's hoping lots more people like Michael will check Lynda out to give them a leg up in the job market.